Day Five

Day Five of Game Jam...

Today I made quite a lot of small quality of life changes that hopefully bring a bit more polish to the game.

Title Logo!

I have a fancy animated title logo that I made with It was a real pain to get this into Unity webGL. I couldn't use a gif file at all, I tried using an mp4 and that worked locally, but not once deployed to a server.

So in the end I saved each frame off as a png and wrote my own code to animate through the frames on the start screen!


I added a song I found on, by Scott Holmes music. I've tweaked how it plays a bit, so that the quieter start of the song will repeat whilst on the menu or in the creation phase. Then once you get to the simulation phase it will jump to the louder part of the song which lasts the duration of simulation, around 40 secs.

Gameplay Tweaks

That brings me to the other changes, gameplay tweaks. I increased the time of simulation, as well as decreasing the speed of the organisms. I think this makes it easier to see what's going on and try to formulate plans for the next play. After feedback from players, I also sped up the time when there are only one colour of organisms left, and also for non scoring organisms at the end.

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